Health Foundation awards 10 grants under the Healthy Eating Initiative

Health Foundation awards 10 grants under the Healthy Eating Initiative

June 13, 2024

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation recently awarded 10 grants totaling more than $2.3 million under the Healthy Living priority area. These grants will support nutritious meals, physical activity, home gardens, teacher training, and cooking education programs that help children and adults in the border region live healthier lives.

Arbol de Vida - $149,056.64
Children’s Home and Comedor
To provide nutritious meals and nutrition education to 100 children five days a week in Rancho Anapra and Lomas de Poleo in Ciudad Juarez, MX.

Border Partners - $161,084.00
Healthy Kids Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
To create healthy school environments through nutrition and gardening education, on-site greenhouses, and nutritious meals for 900 K-12 students in Puerto Palomas, MX.

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Juvenil, A.C. - $171,600.00
Educación nutricional y huertos para el bienestar y la sustentabilidad
To provide nutrition and cooking education to 400 adolescents and 40 young mothers, train 50 adolescents to promote healthy eating in schools, and provide nutritious meals to 200 adolescents in out-of-school settings in Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Desert Spoon Food Hub - $149,396.00
Continuation and Optimization of Taster Space, a Food Education Program
To implement a food exposure and education program to improve food literacy and fruit and vegetable consumption among 300 Kindergarten through 5th graders in El Paso, TX.

Kelly Center for Hunger Relief - $294,204.97
FreshStart and Healthy Eating at the Kelly Center
To provide case management and nutrition education to a minimum of 425 food-insecure adults in El Paso, San Elizario, Fabens, and Tornillo, TX, to achieve goals towards a more food-secure life.

La Semilla Food Center - $1,031,487.00
Cultivating Health through Foodways Education in School and Community Spaces
To train 300 educators to teach gardening and cooking skills to 3,000 students, provide technical assistance for school garden maintenance, and provide cooking programming for 1,000 community members in Las Cruces, NM, and El Paso, TX.

New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. - $76,515.31
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
To pilot a Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding program for at least 20 families with children with autism and train 17 faculty and students in the approach in Las Cruces, NM.

Organizacion Popular Independiente, A.C. - $63,799.95
Platos Amigables
To provide 150 children ages 3 to 12 with healthy meal and snack options and daily healthy food activities in Juárez, MX.

Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center - $191,681.86
“Off to a Good Start: Eating our Way to a Healthy Life”
To provide the Sequential Oral Sensory Feeding program to at least 45 new patients with feeding difficulties and their families in El Paso, TX.

The Mustard Seed Café – A Community Café - $53,108.48
Amigos Healthy Eating Initiative
To teach healthy eating and gardening classes to at least 660 participants and provide appropriately portioned meals with vegetables at the café in El Paso, TX.

For more information, contact Jana Renner, Senior Program Officer, at or 915-218-2616.

Healthy Eating

PDNHF Initiative: Healthy Eating

Make healthy eating a priority in our community by providing health education, policy, and promotion.